25 Things Doctors Can do to Improve Their Marketing While Their Office is Closed

“My office is temporarily closed, now what?”

Just because your office is closed doesn't mean that your business stops.  This can be an ideal time to cross off the marketing items that have been on your to-do list but you haven't had time to dedicate to, until now.  The team at Medical Marketing Whiz has put together a list of "25 Things To Do While Your Office is Closed".  These ideas will keep your business in the forefront of patient's minds, and engage new followers.  Take time to check these items off your list, and your marketing will benefit!

25 Things To Do While Your Office is Closed

  1. Shoot a video talking about virtual consultations or tele-health 
  2. Make a demo video of one of your procedures.
  3. Watch our webinar on a Marketing Response Plan & download 19 social media posts to use on your Facebook & Instagram
  4. Make a video about a product/supplement you sell in your office. 
  5. Deep clean your office and take pic/video to show your followers how clean it will be when you re-open. 
  6. Use social media to answer questions and update your patients on the status of your office and team. 
  7. Go live/make a video for social media about ways to reduce stress and boost immunity. 
  8. Provide advice and reassurance on social media. 
  9. Create a post that demonstrates the extra measures your practice is taking to protect your patients. This shows your knowledge, that you are taking the situation seriously, and assures your patients that their safety is your number one priority.
  10. Watch our webinar on reputation management & Ask patients to leave Google reviews & Respond to all of your Google reviews
  11. Post tips on avoiding touching the mouth, eyes and nose and instructions on how to wash hands correctly. Let your patients know you care about them and you want them to stay educated on how to be healthy!
  12. Post a “day in the life of Dr. ____ at home” for fun!
  13. Show how to use your products at home (mini at-home facial etc)
  14. Ask engaging questions on social media (see our 19 downloads for Covid-19 for examples)
  15. As your hours change, keep your Google My Business updated!
  16. Make a video about supplements you offer or IV therapy that boosts immunity
  17. Show someone getting the IV therapy done
  18. Share some meditation links or apps your using right now
  19. What simple exercises can people do at home
  20. “Bulk” record videos for future content for your social media
  21. Have a photo shoot (with our selfie signs) to use for future content for social media!
  22. Revamp your patient intake forms and processes
  23. Record a webinar and allow people to watch it from home
  24. Run a Facebook & Instagram ad about Tele-Health or Free Virtual consultations that you’re offering
  25. Write blog posts for your website on the top services you offer (this helps SEO)

For more tips on how to optimize this downtime during the Coronavirus, book a free strategy call with Medical Marketing Whiz ---> http://bit.ly/MMWmarketingcall


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