How to Make Your Facebook Business Page More Fun!

Today I wanted to provide some simple tips on how to add some fun to your social media page. We often talk about having an active social media presence and making sure you’re posting content on your Facebook Business page Monday through Friday. Posting content on social media daily is extremely important. Why? Because when your Business page does not have regular content posted, Facebook considers your page to be inactive and they will not show your content in the newsfeed. However, if you post content that is educational, entertaining and valuable, Facebook will start to organically (meaning you’re not paying for it) show your content to more and more people.

So first let’s cover what to post. We recommend a mix of articles, blog posts from your website, procedure videos, funny memes related to your speciality and patient testimonials. You want to create a social media that says “wow! I want go to that office!”

While all of the basics are important, one thing that will help grow your page quickly is content allows patients to get to know YOU and your staff. Yes, this can be outside of your comfort zone. Posting photos of the doctors and staff during the workday, birthdays, employee of the month photos and patients (with their permission) are things that make your page, engaging, fun and a place where patients want to visit. It helps them get to know you and your office. (We do recommend getting a release form signed if you are going to post photos of patients, kids etc). Designate a staff member to post once a day on social media, or work with pros like us who do it for you.

For example, recognize an employee of the month include a short little bio about them. People love to be recognized and this can also improve employee morale. It is a great way to grow your facebook page organically and add some personality and personalization to your page to show that your office is a welcoming place to come to. We offer a free social media sign kit and social media props that make this easy!

I can tell you that the offices that we work with that implement these simple strategies have seen tremendous growth in their Facebook Business pages, sometimes more than 50 new followers a week.

If you would like some free social media tools, check out our website at We also have a free webinar training with 3 Secrets to Healthcare Marketing for those of you that are looking to learn a little more about the basics of medical marketing.

Hope these tips help you!

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