Is your website attracting or repelling patients?

More often than not, your patients have looked you up online.  They are going to see your website before they step foot in your practice, before they call, and before they ever meet YOU.  The truth is that people are making judgments about the quality of your office, expertise, and services based on what your website looks like and how it functions. 

Your website traffic marketing mix

Website traffic comes from a variety of sources.  Your website’s marketing mix may include organic search (unpaid), direct hits, referrals from other websites & from social media, and from email marketing.  Email and social media are two underperforming areas for most offices and are effective ways to get more people to visit your website.  

Remember,  the goal of all of your online marketing should be to drive traffic to your website, so that they can learn about your office and call!  Your website should be generating new leads for you every day.  So it’s important for all of your digital marketing efforts to include links to your website where people can go for more information and ultimately call the office for an appointment or book online.

Mobile Responsiveness

Does your website pass Google’s mobile-friendly test?  The Google Search algorithm expanded its use of mobile-friendliness as a search ranking signal.  Therefore, sites that pass the Google mobile-friendly test are more likely to show up higher in Google’s search results.  If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, expect your rankings to take a hit.  If you do, congratulations because users are 5x more likely to stay on a website that is mobile optimized.

But there’s more to consider – you should also analyze your mobile traffic to make sure your mobile site is as effective as it can be.

Visit your mobile site to experience and determine if changes are necessary.

  • Adjust font sizes, so the text is easy to read without zooming.
  • Make links and buttons easy to tap, placing them far enough apart so a user can’t hit the wrong link by mistake.
  • Scale content so it fits the screen. Make sure your content is scalable for mobile devices, including iPhone and Android.
  • Make sure every mobile page loads quickly.

Your website should differentiate your office from the competition.  What makes YOU different, and why should patients choose your office?  The following are the MUST HAVE components of the website:

  • Must be mobile friendly & have search engine optimization
  • Include photos of YOUR office and staff - do not use all stock photos.
  • Testimonials & Link to leave you a Google Review
  • Awards & Certifications
  • How YOU perform specific services (not stock photos or copied content from the device company website)
  • Social Media Links prominent on the homepage near the top
  • Open Late / On Weekends?
  • Online Appointment Scheduling?
  • Financing Options
  • Blog (add new regular blog content)
  • Opt-In to Subscribe to Newsletter or to receive promotions via email

Does your website have these front & center?  If not, your website will not provide the maximum conversions to new patients!! It may be time to ask Medical Marketing Whiz about website design or search engine optimization.

Would you like to see if your website is actually working FOR you?  Or maybe it is actually repelling patients from your practice?  Request a marketing analysis and schedule a call with one of our marketing whizzes at Medical Marketing Whiz to explain the results and provide you some recommendations.  We will analyze your 3 month website traffic and online marketing mix.  We will also look at your online reputation and social media engagement and  you'll walk away from the call with some ideas you can immediately implement as you plan out your 2020 marketing budget and plan.  

~ Medical Marketing Whiz

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